
We Were Made To Be Real… Not Perfect
I am not perfect nor am I a perfectionist. There’s a difference between striving to be perfect and striving to be great. I do not strive to be perfect. I prefer to work towards the latter. Today’s topic on Dr....
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Introducing… Dr. Love
Love. A magical thing that can be both our ecstasy and our doom. I’m not here to explain about love or to give you the all the answers you are looking for regarding this paradoxical subject. Because that's really not...
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#8 Mini Victories
At this point in time, I am going through a neither-here-nor-there phase. I’m hoping I won’t be stuck in this phase for too long but in order for great things to happen, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made. In order...
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#7 Turbulence
After 6-weeks of intensive classes of learning the Mandarin language, I am back in Malaysia. Contrary to what a lot of people are thinking, I did not go to Taiwan to breach the industry there… well, that wasn’t the plan...
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#6 The First Leg of My Journey: Taipei Stop
A lot of people have been wondering what precisely am I doing in Taipei. I guess the 'what' is pretty obvious especially if you've been following my other social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Fanpage)... I'm here to learn  中文 (Mandarin).  The...
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#5 All That Glitters is Not Gold
Things aren’t all as they seem and this is something that is widely understood and experienced yet people always tend to take the surface value of most things and never stop to think that there could be more than meets...
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The Health and Fitness Challenges
When I was younger, albeit looking skinny and frail and pale as a ghost, I was quite the athlete! I adored sports and outdoor activities. My main sport was golf. I was a State player for golf when I was...
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#4 The Funny Thing about Rumours
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s note: It’s a post written on a whim due to emo temper issues! Do not mind the language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here’s what my take is on rumours. They are generally bullshit stories people come up with about other people...
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#3 My 2014 Resolutions
I was never one who made New Year resolutions simply from the fact that I just saw far too many resolutions being broken. Also, I am careful with setting goals for myself because I know that once I do that,...
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#2 Destination Unknown
So I have been told that quite a few of you folks have been curious as to what on earth is going on with me right now. Some know very well what I’m up to… but some don’t! So I’ve...
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