Health and Fitness

Meaticus No Eaticus
I don’t enjoy being a preachy vegetarian but yet here I am, yikes! Meaticus No Eaticus I started being vegetarian a year ago for health reasons. It was a conscious decision on my end to treat my body better. I'm by...
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How To Achieve The Feminine Abs (FAbs)
Just before the Chinese New Year, I did a fitness portfolio shoot featuring Adidas Singapore’s Stella McCartney line. I was more than satisfied with how the pictures turned out and I definitely felt a sense of achievement knowing that all...
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“Hot Crazy Matrix” and Natalia’s “Age Vs. Asset Value Theorem”  
Recently, a pretty viral video on YouTube came to my attention. It is called the “Hot Crazy Matrix”. For those living under a rock (don’t be ashamed, some days you might find me under there as well), check out the...
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We Were Made To Be Real… Not Perfect
I am not perfect nor am I a perfectionist. There’s a difference between striving to be perfect and striving to be great. I do not strive to be perfect. I prefer to work towards the latter. Today’s topic on Dr....
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Introducing… Dr. Love
Love. A magical thing that can be both our ecstasy and our doom. I’m not here to explain about love or to give you the all the answers you are looking for regarding this paradoxical subject. Because that's really not...
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The Health and Fitness Challenges
When I was younger, albeit looking skinny and frail and pale as a ghost, I was quite the athlete! I adored sports and outdoor activities. My main sport was golf. I was a State player for golf when I was...
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