#15 L’Officiel Squad Singapore 2017

Natalia kick-starts her year just right by being a part of the L’Officiel Squad Singapore for 2017!

For the March 2017 issue, squad members were introduced to the fashion world and here’s Natalia’s:

L'Officiel Singapore March 2017 Issue

L’Officiel Singapore March 2017 Issue

Natalia answers the questions from L’Officiel in handwriting:

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Gosh, I have extremely childish handwriting 😂  This is what happens when technology took over early in life and handwriting just simply wasn’t something most people worked on anymore.” – Natalia Ng

Introducing, the rest of the squad members X

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Squad members above adorned in Swarovski: Rozz, Tabitha Nauser, Calista, Sonya Sanchez, & Karisa Kaleido.

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