
#12 Diversifying Assets and Strategic Placement
Here I go again with my business terms but I can’t help it. Having a business finance background, everything I see, touched and get involve in gets somehow related to business. Extremely useful tool to have! So here I am,...
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#11 The Adjustment
The ever-changing wind has certainly posed to be a true challenge to me. It is not easy to know when you need to make little adjustments and when you know you have to gather all the courage you have to make...
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#10 To Judge and BE Judged: Jasmine Girl Search
Just last weekend, I had the honor of being invited to join the panel of esteemed judges to judge the Jasmine Girl Search. Jasmine magazine is a Chinese fashion, beauty & lifestyle magazine distributed in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.That's right,...
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#9 The Walking Billboard
It has been brought to my attention that recently, my social media has been bombarded with ads and sponsors. Looking back at my recent posts on Instagram, I guess I cannot deny it.  It's been about almost 2 months since my...
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#8 Mini Victories
At this point in time, I am going through a neither-here-nor-there phase. I’m hoping I won’t be stuck in this phase for too long but in order for great things to happen, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made. In order...
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#7 Turbulence
After 6-weeks of intensive classes of learning the Mandarin language, I am back in Malaysia. Contrary to what a lot of people are thinking, I did not go to Taiwan to breach the industry there… well, that wasn’t the plan...
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#6 The First Leg of My Journey: Taipei Stop
A lot of people have been wondering what precisely am I doing in Taipei. I guess the 'what' is pretty obvious especially if you've been following my other social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Fanpage)... I'm here to learn  中文 (Mandarin).  The...
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#5 All That Glitters is Not Gold
Things aren’t all as they seem and this is something that is widely understood and experienced yet people always tend to take the surface value of most things and never stop to think that there could be more than meets...
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#4 The Funny Thing about Rumours
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s note: It’s a post written on a whim due to emo temper issues! Do not mind the language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here’s what my take is on rumours. They are generally bullshit stories people come up with about other people...
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#3 My 2014 Resolutions
I was never one who made New Year resolutions simply from the fact that I just saw far too many resolutions being broken. Also, I am careful with setting goals for myself because I know that once I do that,...
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