Press & Release

#8 L’Officiel Singapore: Wonder Girl
Natalia's personal milestone achieved: A feature in the hottest fashion magazine: L'Officiel Singapore! "Worked with an incredible team for this featured interview and super grateful for everybody's creative input to exhibit a simplistic yet fashionably edgy side of me and...
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#7 联合早报 Lian He Zao Bao: Foreign Talents in Singapore
"As of yet, I have been incredibly blessed with the interviewers I’ve encountered throughout my industry experience. I especially have a ton of respect, admiration and appreciation for the bilingual journalists that have interviewed me such as Kenny Chan (Men’s Uno...
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#6 Focus Week: My Journey
In the month-ending May and month-beginning June, Natalia was featured on Focus Week Malaysia. "Once again, I got to share about my journey thus far. It has been a grind but I must say, I am enjoying every aspect of...
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