#13 The Move Down Under

It is official! I am now based in Singapore.

Another big move for me. First, it was my move from Malaysia to Vancouver… I thought I was going to stay. But somehow, my calling  (or destiny as I would like to call it) had me moving back to KL. And then, there was my short stint to Taiwan. It was only 2 months but it was still a pretty thrilling experience. Now, I’ve officially packed my bags once again and moved to the beautiful land down under Malaysia 😉

It didn’t seem as big of a move to me perhaps because Singapore is so close to Malaysia. Also, it helped that I have a ton of friends already living in Singapore. So it wasn’t like I was starting afresh like Vancouver. That move was super tough because I started off being pretty flippin’ lonely for the first 3-4 months and I missed home like crazy. Except home back then was a 20-hour flight.

Now, if I really did miss home, all I have to do is book my flight tomorrow and in a matter of hours, I’m home! I guess it isn’t as drastic.

Oh, but it is. In terms of my career, that is! It has been a whirlwind of a change in the pace of my work. I’m getting pretty slammed but I love it. I’m really challenging myself in more ways than one but the challenge is really what keeps me alive!

So, what really brought me down to Singapore permanently (or at least for the next little while) had to be something sturdy and prominent enough in terms of work frequency and the obvious, salary. I’m super stoked to announce that I managed to snag a contract with Foxsports as a host for daily sports highlights in Malay and another exciting new golf program (to be confirmed!) in English (thank goodness).

Now that I have something stable to rely on, I can dabble and explore my other passions—acting, singing, dancing, the works! I want to keep working on my languages proficiency including brushing up my Malay (Foxsports hosting will definitely help me in that), improving my Mandarin and leveling up my Cantonese. Also bringing my fitness to a new level by upping my acrobatic workouts (thank goodness for my yoga and cheerleading foundation!) and picking up the martial art “Weng Chun”.

It’s pretty crazy how much projects I am currently working on right now. Everything is pretty private & confidential so I can’t say anything until the project goes through. Also, I don’t want to jinx it by saying anything. After all, we all know how completely and utterly volatile this industry is. One minute, you’re confirmed for the hottest role in a movie, the next, you’re out… just ‘cause. It’s tough! Just when you think you’ve nailed something… it can be snatched away right under your nose.

It all comes down to perseverance. And just shooting as many targets as possible! As I mentioned before on my previous entry, “Diversifying Assets and Strategic Placement”. Almost everything my management and I worked on is actually coming into play, which is ridiculously amazing. And we can only hope and pray for the best for our future projects!

On another exciting note, what kept me extremely busy was not only the meetings, castings, fittings, photo shoots, video shoots, fashion shows, etc but also sorting out my new living arrangements!

I found a gem of a place in a nice, quiet neighbourhood not far from the heart of the city but I had to do quite a generous amount of cleaning up to make it a home I would be comfortable to live in.

So in the midst of my uber-busy schedule, I was also squeezing in some time for my little home makeover project!

Here are the before and after pictures of my new home:



The living area.

IMG_1957The dining area. Pretty much the same-ish area.

IMG_1959The humble kitchen.

IMG_1964My bedroom. And Jamie’s bum ;p

IMG_2631After the curtains and my sheets were on. My first night in Singapore… I was sleeping like this!

IMG_1965Got a TV in my room! Which I know I would hardly use… if I ever do. Just realized I’m not really a TV person. Still, it’s nice to have one.

IMG_1966Decent sized wardrobe leading to the…

IMG_1967Bathroom! Equipped with a bathtub and ANOTHER TV… LOL! Which I will definitely not use.

IMG_2628The half equipped and super messy kitchen… this was mid-moving in.

IMG_2626This was the craziness I was living in for the first week in Singapore… thank goodness for Felix and Jamie who helped a great deal in my home makeover!! Wouldn’t be able to have done it without them!

IMG_1969Pretty nice balcony space.

IMG_2790And on the upper floors, I’ve got a sweet 25m pool! Perfect for lap swimming. Compensate for the “humongous” gym….
IMG_2787My really slim home! So skinny. Skinny skinny building. I live in a concrete jungle… but I kinda like it. Haha, I’m an urban city gal.

And now… for the:


IMG_2925I’ll start with my lucky horse greeting me & my future guests at my private elevator! 馬到成功!!
IMG_2922One of my favourite hanging rack which I turned into my keys holder!

IMG_2913My new living area 🙂

IMG_2912Cam angle #2.

IMG_2920My sofabed! Gotta be prepared to house a few guests 🙂

IMG_2910My humble dining table.

IMG_2916The dining table arrangement!

IMG_2917I love, love, love my tea set!! I am so super stoked I found it 😀

IMG_2878My fully-stocked kitchen! Still tiny… but very functional now.

IMG_2876Got my kick-ass fridge and every appliance known to man… I’ve got it. Gonna spend a lot of time here so gotta have it properly stocked!

IMG_2875Induction cooker and my stove!

IMG_2726My properly done-up bedroom 🙂 Also will be spending lots of time here, haha.

IMG_2929And another view of my balcony!

There you have it!! Not just a sneak peak but a full view of my new home in Singapore.

Not bad for a 1.5 week makeover job… Home-makeovers are definitely not as easy as it looks… especially with this one! Although it isn’t the oldest building in the block, my unit was not carefully taken care of by the previous tenants so there was a lot of non-functional things throughout the house and it took a lot of time and frustration just to discover them and then, to figure out a way to fix everything.

But with help from a few solid people in my life and added vision, creativity & resourcefulness, I’ve got a humble but cosy home that I’m pretty proud of 🙂 I know I’m going to be spending a lot of resting time in here so I need to make it as comfy and with loads of love so I can be better rejuvenated for the times I’m out working!

Oh, home sweet home! <3

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