#16 The Year ’14 Wrap Up

For most of my life, every year has always been an eventful one. But I suppose that’s just how it is for someone with an adventurous heart and a good memory 😉

The year 2014 has been an interesting year for me. I wouldn’t say it was particularly amazing throughout but there were definitely moments of brilliance.

Looking back at my timeline of “Ink Spills of My Heart” archived posts, I can’t believe only a year has passed! Was it just in February this year that I decided to take that leap of courage and went to Taiwan for 2 months just to properly hone my proficiency in the Mandarin language? And was it only 6 months ago that I met the most incredible individual that would change my life especially in terms of my career (will elaborate later below…)?? And only a few months ago that I kickstarted my career in Foxsports as a sports TV Presenter? It feels like eons ago that all these have happen!

So, I looked back at my post on my 2014 resolutions and just as I predicted, on my very first sentence of, “I was never one who made New Year resolutions simply from the fact that I just saw far too many resolutions being broken“, I feel it still rings true. People tend to make hasty resolutions or well… minds just change! People are fickle-minded (I’m pretty stubborn but not stupidly so… I can still adapt and change my mind if it calls for it). If you look back at what your resolutions were, were you able to fulfil them?

I had 3 main resolutions last year and reading it over again, I have mixed feelings about hitting only 1/3 of them…

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So it does seem disappointing reading back and realizing that I did not manage to achieve items #1 and #3. Reality is upsetting but it’s life! I must say, I was prettttyyy optimistic! Well, reach for the moon and you might just land among the stars, right??

Nonetheless, looking back at the chain of events that occurred throughout the year, although I’m not happy that I didn’t work on #1 a little harder, I do realize that #3 is not something that I would have wanted for myself this year. It just simply isn’t time yet.

I guess I never would’ve imagined that I would be given an opportunity to work with an incredible TV station. Because of this, my initial plans on my artist career has been delayed. And interestingly enough, I’m not sad or frustrated or disappointed about this at all! It’s funny how your reason for happiness can change solely based on choice. As simple as it may seem, happiness is a choice. But before reaching to that simple statement, it’s about identifying what makes us happy. The tremendous thing about me is that many things make me happy. So it will all ultimately come down to choice.

So, yes, plans changed… directions veered… but it’s all about adjustments made throughout my way. New goals may emerge although in my case, my goals from last year that have not been met have not been replaced. Simply delayed but in the best way possible… in order to make room for something pretty awesome 🙂

One thing in particular that kickstarted the better half of my year was meeting an incredible woman who has made all the difference in the chain of events that occurred since I met her mid of this year. My current manager, Jamie Ng from AM Media & Entertainment, has just been such a blessing in my career life and even personal life in so many ways!

From scoring the most important audition of 2014 (Foxsports) for me and to other incredible opportunities for growth in this industry, she has just been amazing… One cannot ask for more in an Artist Manager, friend, and kind-of-mom (she’s too young to be my mom, haha! More like a big sister… 😀).

So for the upcoming year of 2015, it will not just be MY goals and dreams that will be considered in my new year resolutions, but OURS. Other than continuing to pursue and complete items #1 and #3 for 2014 resolutions, we’ve set out a list of goals for 2015 but other than wanting to keep you guys on the edge of your seats and for the element of surprise, we would like to also protect our interests thus our resolutions will not be publicly displayed…. yet 🙂

One thing I can guarantee is that it will be an incredibly busy year for us and we’re definitely going to bring as much to the table as we can!

Here’s to an amazing year ahead for all of us and let us be blessed abundantly with success, good health, great company, and incredible experiences throughout the year!

Happy New Year, everyone 😀

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