#29 Oriental Daily: Movie Debut Interview

Natalia working tirelessly, breaking through herself for her dream

被誉为“视听系时尚才女”的黄彩菱(Natalia Ng),近期参与李国煌主演的惊悚喜剧片《2359猛鬼兵营》(23:59:The Haunting Hour),化身千年蛇精“色诱”李国煌之馀,还献出了银幕初吻!开工每天要用10个小时完成的蛇精妆,单单“蛇皮”就黏了7层那么多!虽然一句对白都没有,可是黄彩菱称表现仍获得行内人士赞赏,令她更有信心和展望在娱乐圈继续发展!

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Natalia recently participated in the thriller comedy film <23:59: The Haunting Hour> starring Mark Lee. Natalia transformed into a Millennium Snake and seduced Mark Lee while giving her first onscreen kiss. It takes 10 hours to complete the snake makeup every day, and there are 7 layers of “snakeskin” that need to stick up! Although there is no dialogue, Natalia said that her performance is still acclaimed by insiders, which makes her gaining more confidence.



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Natalia’s mother is a singer, as her father is a golf instructor. Under the influence of parents, she loves to sing and perform, yet additionally great at playing golf and sports. “My mom is a multi-lingual Indonesian, she can sings song in many different languages and I love singing since I was young,” said Natalia.  She was born in an English speaking family, and she further her studies and worked in Canada. Natalia said that this is an advantage for her but also a disadvantage: “I am always a Chinese, I want to speak Chinese well, but most of my friends are not good in Chinese, even a little Cantonese.”

在《2359猛鬼兵营》中虽然一句对白都没有,可是黄彩 玲的表现仍获得梁志强导演赞赏。爱运动的她连猛蛇都不怕,果然是女汉子!
在《2359猛鬼兵营》中虽然一句对白都没有,可是黄彩 玲的表现仍获得梁志强导演赞赏。爱运动的她连猛蛇都不怕,果然是女汉子!
Even tho Natalia doesn’t have any dialog in the movie <23:59: The Haunting Hour>, but her performance was highly acclaimed by director Jack Neo. As a woman who loves sports, Natalia is not afraid of the viper.

直到2013年在朋友的怂恿下参加《大马环球小姐》:“当时我还在加拿大HSBC银行工作,一直都有朋友建议我参加选美,可是我华语不好一直不敢尝试,后来《大马环球小姐》没有规定要说华语,所以就参加啦!”当时她拿了亚军,之后活跃于时尚界,也在新加坡担任Fox Sports体育节目的主持人,参与过《Four》等英语电视剧的演出。

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At the year 2013, under the instigate of a friend, she participated in <Miss Universe Malaysia>: “I was working at HSBC Bank in Canada at that time, I always had friends suggesting me to participate in beauty contest, but I didn’t dare to try it in Chinese, but Miss Universe Malaysia has no Chinese-speaking rule, so I participated!” She won first runner-up in the contest and started her career in the fashion industry. She also hosted for Fox Sports in Singapore and participated in English TV series <Four>.

10月时间打稳基础 Fast-learning in 10 months


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She likes to sing and also enjoys acting. Her career development in the English circle was good. However, she wants to carve out a niche in the Chinese film and TV circles. Natalia loves Chinese culture and she wishes to have her representative work in the future. She told us that she and Joanne Yew was shortlisted for the final list for the movie <The Journey> by Chiu Keng Guan, :”The requirement for the charter is to speak English, and in British accent, I met these two criteria, but I ended up losing the character because they added the last requirement in the end, which is have to know how to speak Chinese, as there are some scene in the movie that need Chinese and also for the promotional activity.


Natalia admits that her appearance makes others feel that she is inaccessible, but in fact she is an ordinary girl who loves sports and plays games at home, she hope to break this misunderstanding of her.


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The failure of that audition was a blow to her but also motivated Natalia. She went to Shanghai, China, and spent 10 months on learning Chinese, dancing and performing arts classes to pave the way for her future. When talking about the old story, we were wondering if Joanne will not be happy. She laughed and said: ” We are best friend so It is absolutely okay and this audition has inspired me to work harder.”

黄彩菱透露,当时一个星期里面要学声乐、舞蹈进修、演艺课和密集的华语课,每天时间表都排得满满的,令她非常充实,同时华语也进步神速。她随后在2017年推出首支单曲《Fly》亦剖白自己跳出舒适圈、追求梦想的心情:“这期间一共制作了3首歌曲,包括发布了的《Fly》,还有《Waiting For You》和《你为何不敢》。”当中她亦有交出自己的创作,《你为何不敢》更找来“金牌制作人”彭学斌为她写词:“他跟我聊天以后,就写了这首歌给我,他看穿我有点没自信、想放弃的心情,所以内容是说既然都走到这里,为何不继续走下去?”

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Natalia revealed that she had to learn music, dance, performing arts classes and intensive Chinese classes in a week. The daily timetable was full, which made her feel very fulfilling, and her Chinese also improved a lot. She then launched her first single <Fly> in 2017 and also cut herself out of the comfort circle and pursued her dreams: “A total of 3 songs were produced, including the release of “Fly”, “Waiting For You” and “I Dare U To”.” Among them, she handed over her own creations. “I Dare U To ” were produced by gold medal producer Peng Xuebin. : ” He wrote this song for me after we had a chat. He notices that I have a lack of confidence and wants to give up, so the song is about since we have come all the way here, why don’t we just continue?”

这期间,她也参与过《黑客特工》(Blackhat)、《疯狂亚洲富豪》(Crazy Rish Asians)电影的演出,她坦承《Blackhat》中只是饰演汤唯的替身、《疯狂亚洲富豪》也只是小角色,但只有小演员,没有小角色的奋斗理念下,黄彩菱称有机会参与到好莱坞的制作,也令她大开眼界:“好莱坞的团队很庞大,他们的工作模式很专业、慢工出细活,唯一的坏处是耗很长的时间,这些过程会有点折腾,不过这些都是经验的累积。”

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She also participated in the movie <Blackhat> and <Crazy Rish Asians>. She admits tha<“Blackhat> is only a substitute for Tang Wei, and <Crazy Asian Regal> is only a small role. But even only as a little actor, Natalia said that the opportunity to join the production of Hollywood is really open one’s eye: “Hollywood’s production team is very big and their works are very professional, the only downside is that it takes a long time, and these processes are a bit tossing, but these are the accumulation of experience.”

汤唯 Tang Wei


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Recently she joined in the movie <23:59 The Haunting Hour>, she played as a Millennium Snake. She loved outdoor activities since childhood that makes her not afraid of the snake. In the movie, she played as the snake that transforms into the human form in order to seduce and make reprisals to Mark Lee and others as they caught and cooked her snake boyfriend. The most difficult part is the kiss with Mark Lee and also the super-complicated snake makeup.



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Natalia revealed that the special makeup of the snake has half and full makeup. Her chest, abdomen, and face need to be painted with the texture of the snake: “It takes about 10 hours to make up every day, and also a layer of “snakeskin” will be added to increase the sense of reality. If we are having a shoot in a place where there is no air-conditioning, these 7-layer snakeskins really make me very stuffy!” Plus the use of alcohol to remove the makeup for an hour made my skin sensitive, the process is really hard.


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However, Natalia said that during the filming period, Mark Lee, a senior in the film industry, guided her a lot, which benefited her a lot, even the Singapore national director Jack Neo praised her performance and increased her confidence. She has recently received invitations for English dramas, Natalia thinks that these are opportunities for honing her acting skill. At the same time, she does not give up any audition on Chinese film and television works, there will soon be a day where she get her own representative work in the future.

Original Article: https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/entertainment/2019/03/10/282013

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