#30 NUYOU Top 25 Most Styling People


《女友》Trendsetter 2019是由KLCC为主要场地赞助。当晚的主题为City Hippies,名媛、时尚潮人以及嘉宾们都盛装出席盛会。除了25位Styling People,座上嘉宾还包括《女友》三月号封面人物童缤毓和Jojo吴俐璇、林佩盈、林佩琦、Yise 罗忆诗、Nicole赖淞凤、Juwei Teoh、第四季Supermodel Me冠军Kay Tian Rigby、本地名模Carla Soong、小提琴家Josh Kua、JC Chee、李元玲、Khoon Hooi、Emely潘毖伶、988DJ 浩敏以及Jason潘小潘等。


<Nu You> Trendsetter Party 2019 was held in KLCC. The party’s dress code was City Hippies. Celebrities, fashionistas, and guests were all dressed up for the event. Other than the 25 Styling People, the guests include Tong Binyu and The Cover for <Nu You> March Issue, Jojo Wu, Emily Lim, Lynn Lim, Yise Lu, Nicole Lai, Juwei Teoh, The champion of Season 4 Supermodel Me, Kay Tian Rigby, Supermodel Carla Soong, Violinist Josh Kua, JC Chee, Cathryn Lee, Khoon Hooi, Emely Pan , 988 DJ Min & Jason Pan, and others.

NuYou Top 25 Most Styling People Trendsetter Party
Styled by Wee Chee Wearing MSGM & b.space
Hair by Lee Kaja
Makeup by Laura Mercier
NuYou Top 25 Most Styling People

活动除了将潮人们聚集外,还同时宣布了由编辑部选出的25位时尚潮人。这25位潮人在各自的领域独领风骚,更重要的是拥有独树一格的时尚风格。其领域跨越歌手、演员、网红、时尚设计师、模特、美姐、赛车手、化妆师和发型师。他们是Venice Min、Christinna Kuan、Jestina Kuan、Alicia Amin、Eleena Sui、Lee Yvonne、Danny Boy、Brian See、Jacqueline Tiang、锺瑾桦Alvin Chong、黄彩菱Natalia Ng、Ally Mukhriz、许縤恩Anjie Koh、Cherrie Mun、林绿Lynn Lim、高艺、Brian Khoo、徐凯Uriah See、Laine Wong、林家冰Lenna Lim、Kittie Yiyi、Wei Ron、Shiyo Joo、Cody Chua以及Kendra Sow。


The 25 stylish people were selected by the editorial department of <Nu You> and were announced at the party. These 25 stylish people are tip-top in their respective fields, including singers, actors, celebrities, fashion designers, models, beauty queen, racers, makeup artists, and hairstylists. but most importantly, they have their own fashion sense and style. They are Venice Min, Christinna Kuan, Jestina Kuan, Alicia Amin, Eleena Sui, Lee Yvonne, Danny Boy, Brian See, Jacqueline Tiang, Alvin Chong, Natalia Ng, Ally Mukhriz, Anjie Koh, Cherrie Mun, Lynn Lim, Koe Yeet, Brian Khoo, Uriah See, Laine Wong, Lenna Lim, Kittie Yiyi, Wei Ron, Shiyo Joo, Cody Chua, and Kendra Sow.

Full Article: http://nuyou.com.my/fashion/news/nuyou-trendsetter-2019%e7%b2%be%e5%bd%a9%e7%9b%9b%e5%ae%b4/

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