#11 NXT Singapore: Cover Girl

Natalia’s first ever cover feature was for a Malaysian tech magazine back in 2013 (no longer in publication) and to kick start 2016, I was given the honour of gracing a Singaporean tech magazine with two versions to boot!

Here are the dual version of NXT Singapore January/February 2016 issue:

NXT Singapore Jan/Feb '16 Cover

NXT Singapore Jan/Feb ’16 Cover

Ver. 1.0

NXT Singapore Jan/Feb '16 Cover

NXT Singapore Jan/Feb ’16 Cover

Ver. 2.0

I’ve always been a fan of gadgets and although I’m no tech genius, I lived with one for a year (my housemate during uni days) so suffice to say, I’m ahead of the general public in the tech world. Always appreciate what tech has to offer and how fast and evolving the tech world is! I owe a lot of life’s conveniences to tech.” – Natalia Ng

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -Arthur C. Clarke

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