#12 Oriental News Daily Malaysia: Giving it 200%

I like how the common terminology in the English-speaking world is 110% but in the Chinese world, it’s directly translated to 200%. So similar yet quite different!” – Natalia Ng

Natalia Ng’s feature in Oriental News Daily Malaysia in Chinese here or the below translation for our English readers:

奋力做足200分: Natalia 黄綵玲


黄綵玲 是美姐、主持人,也是模特儿,现在她的头衔將再添歌手一职,之后还会以演员的身份出发。



Natalia Ng is a beauty queen, host, & model, and soon a singer and actor label to her portfolio.

To break the label of being confined to be just a beauty queen, host, & model to a multi-faceted artiste, is the goal that Natalia is aspiring to achieve.

Even if it is to be a vase, she aspires to be a priceless vase.





棠羚是以2013年马来西亚环球小姐(Miss Universe Malaysia)亚军身份出道,因为口齿伶俐,成为电视台签约主持人。她的独特气质,很容易让人在人群中对她投射注视的目光。这时,脑中闪过一个想法:比起环球小姐,她更適合参加有线电视的华裔小姐。把这个问题丟给棠羚,她先是长嘆一口气,再以遗憾的口吻回答,「很多人的想法都跟你一样,只怪小女是一个標准的『香蕉人』,这一点让我错失了很多机会。」




When Natalia walked into the studio, our photographer and I were shocked! She looked quite different in photographs as she did in person; a good difference. Compared to in photographs, where Natalia looks like a fierce prowling tigress, in person, she was more the sweet girl-next door and an enviable slender stature.

Before interviewing Natalia, I had very little idea of her background as there were limited information about her on the internet.

With that said, we started the interview from scratch applying the <I don’t know you, and you don’t know me> method.

Natalia made her debut as the runner-up of Miss Universe Malaysia in 2013 that prompted her to go into TV Hosting shortly after due to her strong command in English and articulation of it. With her unique stature, she truly fills the room and it’s hard for her to go unnoticed in a crowd of people. At this point, my mind flashed an idea: Isn’t she more suited to have joined the Miss Astro Chinese International pageant instead? As I threw her this question, Natalia sighs and responds in a regrettable tone, “Many have told me the very same thing, but I was raised a ‘banana‘ and my illiteracy in Mandarin made me miss many chances at progressing quickly within this industry….

Upon hearing this, I was astonished as the current girl I was interviewing was was speaking quite fluently in Mandarin. What happened? “I am preparing to launch my EP album and after discussing with my management, I decided to start learning Chinese. I was arranged to to live in Shanghai for a short period to learn Chinese, dance, vocals and performance.

To master a language is no easy task, however, in a mere 8 months, Natalia is able to swiftly respond to my interview questions and to that, I give her two big thumbs up to her perseverance.

So it seems, her motivation to pick up Mandarin was indeed from her missed opportunities. In fact, Natalia’s manager revealed that a couple of years ago, Natalia was meant to star in a Malaysian box-office hit movie but was bumped off the role due to her inability to converse in Mandarin for the press conference and interview portion of the movie tour. Hence, Natalia resolved to not miss out further opportunities and pressed on to pick up this language.







Carefully Orchestrated Singer’s Dream

Thankfully, God has always held Natalia’s hand but did not let her fly high. What happened was only to her regret, and no one else. “I was first signed by a Taiwanese record label more than 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the investors from China suddenly withdrew their capital and the new artistes under the same management bore the brunt of this,” leaving the singer’s dream momentarily shattered. As her most confused and down phase, Natalia met her current manager, Jamie Ng. “Jamie understood me completely and believe in me with the promise of helping me realize my dreams. She also drafted a long-term plan that included me to continue business-as-usual in my current profile as a TV host and model for at least one year giving her that amount of time to raise funds to prepare my launch as a singer.” As of now, the debut EP album is under preparation and features in-house music producer of “The Voice China” (黄一 / Huang Yiand renown Malaysian music producer (彭学斌 / Percy Phang). 

In terms of acting, Natalia and her manager are very cautious in paving the way in this aspect. Even with a stellar script in their hands, if it compromises with the image that they are building for her, unfortunately, they’ll have to turn it down. “I hope for my movie debut to not veer to far off from the image we want to set.” The graceful actress-to-be would love to act in comedies as her first choice and action films as her second. “If there is a film that has both comedic and action elements in them, that’ll be the dream!”





多纳泰拉范思哲(Donatella Versace)。她的风格蛮中性的,跟我著装风格也很像,强势中带有女性化韵味,所以范思哲(Versace)每一季的时装秀,我都会特別关注。


我有自己的时尚品牌Duchess & Co,出席晚宴和活动,自家品牌成了首选。Duchess & Co服饰与我的著装风格非常相似,也是照著我的喜好而设计的。

至於日常著装我就会推崇Zara和Miss Selfridge。


我有很多鞋子,特爱买鞋。Christian Louboutin是我的爱牌(当天就是穿著品牌的铆钉球鞋),若比较平价的就是Aldo和Steve Madden,他们的高跟鞋都是我的首选。




Your definition of fashion is…

Giving people a first impression! “Judging a book by its cover” is something shallow yet harshly realistic. Also, fashion is very subjective and everyone has their own opinions, so it’s hard to give a standardised answer.

Your fashion icon?

Donatella Versace. Her style is a great balance between feminine and fierce. I like wearing rather masculine outfits with touch of feminine or vice versa. Every season of Versace fashion show is so stunning!

Fashion brand where you most purchase from…

I have my own fashion brand Duchess & Co, which is perfect for dinner events and special activities that require a semi-formal or formal dresscode.

As for the basic and everyday clothing, I love Zara and Miss Selfridge. 

The single favourite fashion product?

I have a lot of shoes, I have an obsession of buying shoes. Christian Louboutin is my love (she is seen sporting the white studded Louboutin signature kicks). For less ridiculous pricing shoes, Aldo and Steve Madden, are my go-to choices for high heels.

Most disliked the fashion item?

In fact, I accept quite wide, the only unacceptable fabric is too rough clothing. Also, high heels too high is also a very torture to me, unless the work to attend activities, I can put up for an hour at most, I will take it off. In short the most important comfort!

*Article translated by Natalia herself, a proud moment for her as she grew up being a banana!

A big thank you to Oriental Daily News Malaysia, for the feature interview and special thanks to Ryan Chiu Photography and 林政贤 (Lin Zheng Xian) for conducting such a spirited interview session with Natalia.

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