
#19 Brace Myself… It’s Almost Time to FLY.
10 months ago, I made the move to the charming city of Shanghai. It’s incredible how in this neither long nor short amount of time, I gained so much in terms of skills, experience, and knowledge I never expected I...
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#12 Oriental News Daily Malaysia: Giving it 200%
"I like how the common terminology in the English-speaking world is 110% but in the Chinese world, it's directly translated to 200%. So similar yet quite different!" - Natalia Ng Natalia Ng's feature in Oriental News Daily Malaysia in Chinese...
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#11 NXT Singapore: Cover Girl
Natalia's first ever cover feature was for a Malaysian tech magazine back in 2013 (no longer in publication) and to kick start 2016, I was given the honour of gracing a Singaporean tech magazine with two versions to boot! Here...
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#10 Men’s Health Singapore: Guide to Dating Out of Your League
"Men's Health Magazine Singapore are truly too kind to deem me as someone you'd date out of your league (hence the title of this post) but I'd like to think this guide is great for anyone whose interested to be...
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#9 Her World Singapore: From Fashion Feature to Cover Girl
Not only was Natalia featured in Her World Singapore magazine twice in a year (August & December of 2015), but she had the honor of gracing the special edition cover for their December 2015 issue! Here is Natalia's feature in...
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#18 Buckle Up
So I've finally made the big leap. Back when I first signed with my current management, AM MEDIA, in August of 2014, my manager told me I wasn't ready for the ocean just yet. Jamie advised me to test out...
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#8 L’Officiel Singapore: Wonder Girl
Natalia's personal milestone achieved: A feature in the hottest fashion magazine: L'Officiel Singapore! "Worked with an incredible team for this featured interview and super grateful for everybody's creative input to exhibit a simplistic yet fashionably edgy side of me and...
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#7 联合早报 Lian He Zao Bao: Foreign Talents in Singapore
"As of yet, I have been incredibly blessed with the interviewers I’ve encountered throughout my industry experience. I especially have a ton of respect, admiration and appreciation for the bilingual journalists that have interviewed me such as Kenny Chan (Men’s Uno...
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#6 Focus Week: My Journey
In the month-ending May and month-beginning June, Natalia was featured on Focus Week Malaysia. "Once again, I got to share about my journey thus far. It has been a grind but I must say, I am enjoying every aspect of...
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How To Achieve The Feminine Abs (FAbs)
Just before the Chinese New Year, I did a fitness portfolio shoot featuring Adidas Singapore’s Stella McCartney line. I was more than satisfied with how the pictures turned out and I definitely felt a sense of achievement knowing that all...
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